Victoria Klassen
Victoria’s Deep Hope is that her students feel like they belong and know that they are loved.
Bachelor of Science (Biology Major, Chemistry and Religion (Missions focused) Minors), Bachelor of Education: Redeemer University.
Victoria teaches Grades 7 & 8 Math, Science and Art, Grade 7 Bible
Miss Klassen exudes joy and is a well-loved teacher at Westpark. Victoria can be found sharing her passion for missions, prayer and worship with students as she hosts weekly noon-hour prayer room for middle years students. Miss Klassen also advises the Junior High Student Council and is an incredibly rich resource to our student community both inside and outside of scheduled classes.
Victoria’s Deep Hope is that her students feel like they belong and know that they are loved. It is her desire to nurture academic excellence and develop a passion for learning to build up students into young men and women who above all come to know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ and stand firm on His Word.