Westpark students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 are privileged to have the support of a team of staff members who share a heart to see young people thrive in all areas of their lives. The school’s Administration, Resource Teacher, Guidance Counselor, and classroom teachers use a team approach in helping students overcome hurdles, solve problems, and achieve their goals both in and outside of the classroom.
Amanda Zacharias, our Guidance Counsellor, connects one-on-one or with groups of students, giving them tools, language, and support that will help them have success academically, relationally, mentally, and emotionally. This support can be short-term or ongoing, formal or informal. Referrals to Mrs. Zacharias are made through teachers, parents, or students' self-referral.
As our school Resource Teacher, Ms. Cooley works to support classroom teachers with a posture towards inclusion for the benefit of each Westpark student. She leads a team of Educational Assistants and collaborates with speech and occupational therapists to ensure that each student receives the supports they need to thrive
in learning.