Janelle Hoekstra
Ms. Hoekstra’s Deep Hope is that her class will discover God’s fingerprints in every detail of every topic they explore this year.
Bachelor of Arts (Music Major/Worship Arts and Biblical Theological Studies Minors): Providence University College. Bachelor of Education: University of Windsor.
Janelle Hoekstra: Grade 4
Like most teachers on staff at Westpark, Ms Hoekstra loves seeing the moment when a student “gets” something that has been difficult for them. Those lightbulb moments are powerful and Janelle is thankful to have a part in helping her students achieve them. She strives to make her classroom a place where every student feels welcomed, supported, and encouraged to give their best. It is Ms. Hoekstra’s prayer that her students feel empowered to succeed, but also to fail and try again.
Janelle is passionate about building a strong community that has Christ at the centre of it. She isso glad that Westpark is intentional about incorporating God’s truth in every area! Ms. Hoekstra’s Deep Hope is that her class will discover God’s fingerprints in every detail of every topic they explore this year.
Ms. Hoekstra has a large extended family including 7 nieces and nephews! Outside of the classroom she serves on the PAC worship team, enjoys visiting with friends and family, and can be found reading, singing and doing puzzles!
CONTACT: janelle.hoekstra@westparkschool.com