Jessica Cooley
Ms. Cooley’s Deep Hope is that her students would know that they are purposely and wonderfully made by a God who loves them unconditionally.
Bachelor of Education: U of M; working on Post Bachelor at U of W.
Jessica Cooley is the Resource teacher
Ms. Cooley has been in teaching and resource positions for more than two decades at Westpark where she loves seeing students progress, especially those who have special learning needs. Jessica desires that her students feel success in their learning and she is passionate about continued learning in her field of specialty: teaching children to read, write and understand math.
Ms. Cooley’s deep hope for her students:
‘you will know that you are purposely and wonderfully made by a God who unconditionally loves you...
you will discover the gifts and talents with which God has created you and celebrate all that makes you uniquely you...
you will flourish as you use your strengths and abilities to serve others’
Jessica’s husband, three kids and dog keep her busy outside of school and she enjoys gardening, biking, cross country skiing and reading in her free time.